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Literacy & Language Development

Through engaging storytelling sessions, interactive reading activities, and an assortment of child-friendly books, we foster a love for words and imagination. We also combine phonics-based activities, interactive games, and multisensory experiences to make learning letters and words an engaging interest.

Literacy & Language Development

Our little mathematicians will explore different activities from pattern recognition exercises that involve arranging objects in creative sequences to interactive number games that challenge their mind. We strive to use real-world applications such as measuring ingredients and creating impressive structures with blocks to build their critical thinking, problem-solving, and logical reasoning skills.

Math &
Numeracy Skills

We introduce each child to various art forms and materials to allow them to express themselves freely through art. We encourage them to explore different colors, shapes, textures, and patterns so they can feel empowered to experiment with the limitless possibilities of their creativity.

Creative Arts

Math & Numeracy Skills
Creative Arts

We encourage children’s natural curiosity by providing opportunities for scientific exploration, nature walks, and sensory play. We teach our young scientists to ask questions, make predictions, and even conduct experiments tailored to their developmental stage.

Science &

Science & Exploration

We believe that music and movement are the universal languages of childhood. Our curriculum introduces a rich variety of musical experiences, from exploring different genres and cultures to learning to play simple instruments.

Music &

We teach our little ones to celebrate diversity by incorporating culturally relevant activities, stories, and holidays into our curriculum. Through interactive activities, engaging stories, and immersive experiences, we take them on a journey to become respectful individuals who value the diverse differences in our world.

Cultural Awareness

Music & Movement
Cultural Awareness
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